03 February 2010

BT6: Cataratas do Iguaçu

When it was time for us to pick the main destination for spare time in Brazil, the decision was easy: both of us really wanted to go to the big waterfalls - Iguaçu Falls - located on the border between Brazil and Argentina.

The distances in Brazil are quite big, so we flew from São Paulo (and back again). But we did set aside a good amount of time for exploring the waterfalls from both sides of the river. The Brazilian side allows for a panoramic view over most of the falls (as in the picture above), but it is also possible get up close using the installed walkways - that's a rather wet experience!

In Argentina there is the option of looking along and down the falls - one of the main attractions is walking to the top of the largest single waterfall, Devil's Throat, and looking down into it. Again, a rather wet experience when the wind suddenly changes direction. Apart from that it is hard to describe the sheer force and the deafening roar of the falls. These factors don't really come across so well in pictures. You have to go yourselves to get the full experience!

The day we visited the Argentinian part the sun was burning from a cloudless sky, so we had the bonus of seeing lots of rainbows in the mist from the waterfalls.

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