05 October 2007

Tue's Big Day

Today we were invited to the award ceremony for the fellowship Tue was told already in May he would recieve this fall.

There was a long list of fellows, but as the only one Tue was allowed to say something because the dean (the woman in the picture below) didn't dare try to pronouce the title of his thesis. We agreed that she probably did not originate from the department of natural sciences...

The diplomas were handed out by the chancellor of UCSB himself; something we believe he has tried once or twice before in the past as he was very good at smiling directly at the camera.


Unknown said...

Hejsa.. Jeg missede chancen i første omgang, men så har jeg jo chancen nu. Så tillykke!

Skal man forstå det sådan, at Tue har fået et legat til at gøre sin afhandling færdig? Eller at det lykkelige er indtruffet og at han er blevet færdig?

t said...

Hey-hey .. dissertation fellowships are for helping students finishing.

When I graduate you'll know for sure because (a) I'll be wearing a spiffy suit (b) there be some kind of grand post exclaiming it to the world here on our blog.