07 November 2007

Lemon City Fest

A couple of weekends ago there was Lemon Festival here in Goleta. Apparently the area once was famous for its lemons and the local businesses use this as an excuse to arrange an annual lemon festival. Since the event took place in the nearest park from where we live we of course had to go and take a look.

There were quite some similarities with town fairs as they can be experienced in smaller towns in the countryside (of Denmark, if not more generally): a travelling fun fair, yellow balloons, a stage where we saw performances by students at the local dancing school, bales of hay, and an area with exhibit stands representing the local fire brigade (nice to know they're around!), the karate club, and Red Cross amongst others. Furthermore there were a few stands selling such items as African drums (!) and bonsai trees and a lot of information stands from a range of local organisations.

But other than that the main purpose of the festival appeared to be to eat and drink as much as possible of lemon containing foods and beverages. There was yellow candy floss, lemon marinated chicken, lemon ice cream, lemon pies, lemonade, and lemon beer. We tried the lemon ice cream, the lemonade, the lemon pie, and the lemon beer - the two of us sharing all of it. And that was a good idea, because neither of us would have been able to finish a piece of that lemon pie on our own.

In the picture above you can see Tue with the lemon beer, complete with the special 'California Lemon Festival in Goleta'-mug. How about that!? - it doesn't get much grander than that does it?!

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